hemant anand

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a case for original thoughts and ideas

Do we ever have original thoughts and ideas? Not influenced by others? Lately, I have been occupied by these questions and trying to find the answers.

Most of the time, we go through the motions. Reacting. Rarely responding. A response requires thinking through the circumstances, our response, and its consequences. That time spent thinking, is it original? Or is it based on our past memories and experiences?

We convince ourselves of its originality, but we are influenced by the books we read, the conversations we have with people, and the media we consume. We start identifying with these thoughts and ideas, thinking they are fresh, different, and not mainstream. It gives us the feeling that we are different than others around us.

Still, I don’t think these are our original thoughts and ideas. We work on these. Develop, refine, and present to the world by filtering through our memories and experiences. Some of these may resonate with our readers as new. When they do, the journey continues.

Answers to these questions elude me. Until my search ends, I depend on everything and everyone around me in this world. And what a beautiful world it is, of which you are part.